Master of Florence
Jun 30, 2021
"What happened here in Florence, I don't think it can ever be erased. But I think you know that."

北京时间2021年6月30日 晚上22:47 洗漱完毕
想起来距离看完 Medici: The Magnificent Season 已经过去两天了
看过很多电影 也看过很多剧 最上头的时候在盖上电脑时依旧止不住去回想其中的情节
17年的时候踌躇满志 准备好所有的包裹 做好所有的准备
一直对文艺复兴的那段历史很感兴趣 为什么那样一座小城 在那个年代能成为世界思想解放的中心
为什么选中的是意大利 为什么选中的是佛罗伦萨
那么多载入历史永垂不朽的名画 为什么都来自那一个年代
前行前看了Master of Florence 也就是series的第一季
Giovanni开场就倒下 Cosimo独掌家族的大旗
资本主义经济诞生时的第一代银行家 坚持让Brunelleschi设计后世惊叹的dome
迷人的Contessina 和 所有 为了整个家族繁荣牺牲的人
他们和Albizzi家族斗 他的儿子孙子和Pazzi家族斗 永远有斗争不完的敌人
永远有搞不定的教宗教皇 永远需要在几大公国/公爵之间斡旋(Milan/Naples/Venice/Rome)
跨洋航班的前一个月第一次看了S1 19年看了第二遍 今天已经是第三遍
一直不想从Cosimo的年代走到Lorenzo 回过头看 太可惜了
如果重来一次 17年我一定不会像个孩子一样
走过旧宫 指着市政厅为Pazzi全家被吊死在上边欢呼
走过佣兵长廊 ”说不定Botticelli当时就在这里作画“
走进Duomo 为Giuliano被刺了19刀 追随美人而去落泪
再来一次 一定乖乖买张Galleria degli Uffizi和Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze的门票待一个下午
像无数人说的 “城邦 家族 战火 时代来来往往不会回头 但艺术 建筑 思想永垂不朽”
或许是因为曾经走过 摸过一砖一瓦 看这部剧总会给我无限的代入感和共情感
2021.7.1晚 和老豆打过电话之后聊到的一句话颇让我印象深刻
“你可能不会想过十几年前第一次去海洋公园 回到家后兴奋地聊上三天三夜
如果未来还有机会再买一趟16个小时的机票 走过Florence 再去趟Naples/Sicilia 心境或许大不相同
在从“非客观角度”(个人觉得即使电视剧也有美化成分存在)对待这段历史之前 以下三篇文章和一部纪录片值得推荐
- Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissa 这部剧还有太多回味的地方 本文也会继续更新三季中最感人最让人感慨的细节
Season 1
Giovanni告诫儿子When i die, it'll be up to my sons. and their sons' sons to realize those dreams.
推举米兰海盗做下一任教皇时Cosimo: Something bad, in order to do something good.
与Albizzi家族之争Cosimo: There is always a choice.I made mine years age.
Cosimo和Contessina第一次相见Cosimo: From the moment we are married, you will be a Medici.You will not act as an agent for your father's bank telling him our family's secrets.You will be my wife, and you will be loyal to me, and only to me.
Brunelleschi在一群人中介绍自己将建设穹顶Brunelleschi: You expect me to share my secrets with those scoundrels?By building not one...but two domes.The inner dome will serve as support for the outer dome.
Contessina对流产的Lucrezia说Contessina: And there are more ways for a woman to be indispensable than in just bearing children.
37:58 Cosimo觉得大势已去 和Contessina交待后事44:38 Contessina单枪匹马闯入领主宫搏得流放
Lucrezia: That mule isn't the only thing carrying precious cargo.Contessina: You're with child? Are you sure?Lucrezia: It will be a boy. We're sure of it. And we'll call him Lorenzo.
Season 2
Lorenzo: I'm sorry, father. I'm sorry. I had hope to write a happier ending for you.Piero: A man is the author of his own life, Lorenzo.Lorenzo: Surely a man's life does not end with his own. Not if he has a son.Piero: Then prove your grandmother right.
Season 3
Lorenzo第一次见到LeonardoLeonardo: Well, if god does exist, do you really think he cares who lives or dies? The good and the devout are cut down by war and plague just as fast as the dissolute and the evil.
僭主模式开启 谋士让Lorenzo留在这儿维持十人团的权威性Lorenzo: Don't you ever tell me what comes before my family!
Clarice: You sold our child to that drunken fool? How do you do that?Look at her. Look at her. Look at your child!Lorenzo: It was for this family.Clarice: But family built on what?Lies? Corruption? What else Lorenzo? What???Because i was could almost forgive that, but we both know that's now why you did it.For your family...You traded your daughter...for your dream of having Florence at the very heart of Europe.For your legacy?
Lorenzo: Oh there is much...much that i regret, but much more that i cannot.The beauty that flowered here...Savonarola: You've learned nothing? What flowered here is corruption, that spread out like the plague, taintingeverything it touched. This is your punishment.Lorenzo: But i think if this is punishment for anything, it's for somehow thinking i could take god's place.Don't do that, father.Don't do it. In the end, you just lose sight things really are...of who you are.Savonarola: Nobody will remember your gardens, the names of Lenoardo da Vinci, Botticelli and the rest.And all they have made will be dust, blown away by the winds.Lorenzo: I don't think so. What happened here in Florence...I don't think it can ever be erased. But i think you know that.Savonarola: I know god's will.Lorenzo: That must be nice.